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What the Feng Do I Do with my Shui
What the Feng do I do with my Shui?
  • 1- 60 min.Individual consult
  • Series of 5 for those ready to dive deep - (Savings of $150)


  • 5 Week Intensive Study Group - 6 per group

(Includes workbook, 5 weeks 24/7 Bio-Resonance support, and a personalized high vibration scent)

Contact us for details/scheduling


Explore the dialogue between you and the spaces and places around you with this highly constructive and effective combination of Feng Shui, Intimate Ergonomics and Sensory IQ™ Design.
Jeanette supports your clear understanding and expression of your internal Clear Speak™ to craft a synchronistic space for you or your child, your family, corporate groups and the development of any of your spaces through the study of human behaviors and their interaction within an environment.

Her matter of fact and easy approach offer you insightful and grounded views of the psychology of humans in specific environments and the relationship between the physical design of that environment, human response and what is anticipated to transpire in there.


Results are expeditious and powerful yielding enhanced communications and flow as you step out of your own way when you wonder What the Feng to do with your Shui?


You will gain insights into the primitive limbic system which is connected with involuntary reactions that tell us about our perceptions of the environment via emotional and visceral responses. Brainwave activity, heart rate, respiration, muscular tension & other functions of the autonomic nervous system are aligned by her suggestions for you to enact.

Clients note enhanced clarity & focus, eased anxiety, a sense of uplifted, energized, soothed and supported employees, residents, and clients. Enhanced joy, well being, navigation and a deepened sense of community create the essential foundation for the success and easy flow of life in these spaces.


Dr. Wolfe creates space that is magnetized to higher levels of potential supporting the intended outcome and success of her clients.

What the Feng Do I Do with my Shui

  • Jeanette's work has been nominated for awards by the IIDA, a not for profit philanthropic organization for best in commercial office design excellence.


    Her work includes:
    • Bronx Terminal Market
    • Princeton Forestal Center 
    • Montessori Schools 
    • Princeton Center for Yoga and Health 
    • Martha Stewart at West Point Stevens
    • Missoni /Cameo Showrooms  
    • Art Galleries 
    • Jacob Javits Center Trade Show floors/booths 
    • Consulate Offices and more
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