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Indigo Chroma Therapy Glasses

SENSE: Sight


Our Colored glasses are an easy to use Sensory Snack.

They are Neuro-Nutrition!


We receive 90% of our information through our eyes. 

Simply by wearing the Planet Apothecary’s Chroma therapy Glasses, the distribution of energy and harmony in the body is influenced (directly by that color) since the color acts through the eye directly upon our body’s physical, mental and emotional system, in turn improving our overall state of being!


  • Chroma glasses are fun for your children to add to The Planet Podz conversational poems and bija mantras and bring greater self awareness as they explore how they feel when seeing the world through various lenses.
  • Planet Apothecary's research shows promising results in children's well being as they experience various chroma glasses exercise.

Indigo Chroma Therapy Glasses


    Deep understanding & intuition • Inner peace, tranquility • Harmonizes irregular breathing • Encourages healing to eyes, ears & nose


    • Indigor epresents ​intuition and using that intuition for guidance and good.
    • Indigo allows you to withdrawal into your inner-self. It allows you to withdraw to obtain peace, quiet, and freedom to stretch boundaries.
    • It is also the source for intuition, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception.​ ​Indigo stimulates the sense organs such as the eyes and ears.  
    • It is an excellent stimulant without being an irritant.​ ​It is a color that is calming to both the nervous system and the lymphatic system. ​ ​
    • It is believed to benefit the bloodstream as a purification color and also benefits mental problems such as ADD, ADHD and autism.
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